| 1. | Would you find it hard to pass up meat, and live on a vegetarian diet ? 不吃肉而以素食为生,你感到很难做到吗? |
| 2. | Would you find it hard to pass up meat , and live on a vegetarian diet 不吃肉而以素食为生,你感到很难做到吗 |
| 3. | Soon after she was initiated , she told him that she would be on a vegetarian diet but would still cook meat for him . he agreed 太太刚印心时和他商量说:我改吃素,但还是会煮荤给你吃。 |
| 4. | Nutrition specialist , yang huei - ping : yang says that if a child is on a vegetarian diet , it needs to include milk and eggs 营养师杨蕙萍:一定要让小朋友吃素的话建议一定要摄取牛奶、蛋。 |
| 5. | The sister is the only initiate in her family , and her husband and children are not on a vegetarian diet 妈妈听了深受触动,感到自己如此幸运,因为女儿的因缘而跟在世佛修大道,在世即得解脱! |
| 6. | Although my mother was not initiated at that time , she was not oppose to it at all . instead , she also went on a vegetarian diet 当时妈妈虽然未印心,但一点反对的意见也没有,配合着爸爸吃全素。 |
| 7. | " when i took it to get the prophylactic inoculation , the veterinarian was convinced that a kitten would not grow on a vegetarian diet 一出生时抱它去打预防针,兽医断言吃素的猫长不大,但半年后便长得又大又壮。 |
| 8. | So at meal time , i did not get a proper meal . mr . zhang felt curious about it and asked me why i was on a vegetarian diet 由于我的机票没有确认,所以随票订的素食也没有,吃饭时只好凑和,张先生觉得奇怪,就问我为什么素食? |
| 9. | Then she immediately decided to forsake meat , and subsisted on a vegetarian diet until she got married ; thereafter only her breakfast continued to be vegetarian 听说她在少女时到大甲一佛寺听闻佛法后,就毅然放下肉食,一直到结婚后才放弃吃素,仅保留吃早的习惯。 |
| 10. | Since most of my family members were on a vegetarian diet , i thought i should satisfy their palates by supplying a bigger variety of foods . so i had to invent different dishes 由于我们全家几乎都已经吃素了,所以我每天都很认真地变换各种不同的菜肴,煮各式各样的素食来满足家人的口味。 |